Harmony Baptist Church
General Prayer:
Jimmy & Dondra Adams
Calvin Robinson
Elizabeth Armstrong
Joyce Lanning
Joyce Cantrell & Clare Oxford
Jerome & Judy Biggers
Vicki Sizemore
Shelley & Eleanor Sweatt
Gale Fauscett
Ann Buchanan
Lois Holdbrooks
Rhonda Mullins
Vic & Shawn McGuire
Sandy Ward
James Thompson
Jacqueline Bowens (Judy’s SIL)
Jackie Reid (Judy’s Brother)
Mike & Amanda Entrekin
Daniel Priest Sr. (Dannial’s Dad)
Linda Causey
Holland Folds (Vic’s Dad)
Ricky McGuire
Hildred Griffin & Family
Lucas Wysner
Bernice Gentry (Ann’s Mother)
Michael & Stephanie Alewine
Wendell Robinson
Wendell Hurston
Dennis & Karen Brown
Shirley Bell
Syble Henderson
Carla Samples
Families impacted by hurricane
Christy Heard Family
Kathy Burns Family
Frances Lindsey Family
Linda Baxter
Juanita Gay
Barbara Parton
Mary Tavegia
Marvin Morris
Margaret Moody
William Morris
Ricky Patterson
Christy George
Tim Digsby
Meredith Head
Nursing Home/Rehab:
Starr Thompson (Leigh Turner’s Mother)(Carrollton Nursing/ Rehab)
Willene Robinson (Calvin's Wife)(Carrollton Nursing/ Rehab)
Glenda Simpson (Medra’s Sister)(Haralson Nursing/Rehab)
Slade Parmer (Navy)
Lucas Laney (Air Force)
Jamie Dukes Jr. (NG)
Chad Sweatt (Army)
Case Jiles (Army)
Billy Thomas (Marines)
Josh Holland (Army)
Carter Banister (Air Force)
Preston Denny (Marines)
Jeff Vaughn (Philippines)
Faithful Servants Ministries (Africa)
If you have any prayer request or upcoming events that you would like placed in the bulletin, please either give a note to Brother Anthony, call the church office and leave a message, or email the church using the contact form.
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